About Me

Hi! I'm Yong Bin Gao, or Ben Gao, a software developer. I like software engineering because of its potential to change people's daily lives. Also, it's fun to work on challenging problems and squash bugs along the way.

Besides writing code, I'm into hiking, biking and rock climbing. Taking a break from NYC's busy streets and diving into nature is relaxing and helps me recharge. When I'm not wandering through the woods, I'm probably wondering about how to shift my weight around to get to the tall of a climbing wall.


Past Works


Live siteGithub
GoPlan, created to make travel planning easier with an intuitive interface and appealing layout. Keeps dates, destinations and expenses organized and accesible.


Live siteGithub
Web application, inspired by Robinhood, that displays companies' stock prices and allows trading of virtual stock shares. Stock prices are charted across different timeframes with custom tooltip that displays detail price and time information. Keeps track of user's transactions history, current portfolio, and a watchlist.

Electricity Energy Generation

Live siteGithub
Displays electrical energy generated by year and energy source across US states. Total yearly generation data is shown on US map from 2001 - 2018. Detail breakdown by different fuel types are shown on pie chart and bar chart.


Take a look at my resume.

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